1. Panther Chameleon:

With it’s ability to change colours in accordance with the environment, temperature and the light around it, the Chameleon has become the generic term for quick changes of moods and colour. How we wish we could also easily change from red to white or green or blue as and when we feel like it!
2. Monarch Butterfly:

Butterflies have always been graceful and beautiful, but the Monarch Butterfly is extra special. It’s magnificent colours are a warning against predators and enemies since the wings are
3. Sockeye Salmon:

Usually these salmon are blue and silver in colour, but just before the spawning season they turn into green and red colours. Beautiful in any colour, they are found mainly in the Northern Pacific ocean and in the rivers discharging into it.
4. Clownfish:

These fish can be red, orange, yellow or black in colour and often have white bands or patches covering them. Even though they look great, beware of them since they are generally covered in slime. They live among the anemone in the sea and the slime protects them from the sting of the anemone.
5. Blue- footed Bobby:

With feet which range from a pale turquoise to a deep aquamarine, these birds are generally clumsy on land but are great seabirds. The brighter the colour of their feet, the greater the attraction for the female birds!
6. Temminick’s Tragopan:

Believed to be the world’s handsomest pheasant, this pheasant has a white spotted plumage on a red and orange background. Pink legs and a black bill, with a striking quiff in shades of blue red and white, this is definitely a very colourful bird.
7. Bird of Paradise:

Here is another bird with an extraordinary plumage, and with the ability to change it’s shape and looks in order to woo the females of their species. Elongated and elaborate colourful feathers are their most prominent feature.
8. Sailfish:

These blue-striped fish have colours which light up when they go hunting. This helps to let their colleagues know about their activities and also helps in confusing their prey. They also have unusual sails which remain folded but can be raised when they feel excited or threatened.
9. Lesser Flamingo:

The Pink Flamingo is one of the God’s most beautiful creatures. Their famous pink colour is a result of the algae which they eat. When a huge flock of them move together they are a fabulous site to behold.
10. Weedy Sea-Dragon:

A distant relative of the seahorse, the Sea Dragon is a weird and yet a wonderful sea creature. Their colour serves as a wonderful camouflage and their long elongated bodies make them look different and in some ways quite elegant.
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