Saturday, 1 December 2012

What do I lose if I smoke?

Find out what smoking has cost, 
you over the years and what will be saved if you quit today.
It is time to stop thinking that 
smoking does not have serious harmful effects on your body and your pocket!
Saturday, December 1st, 2012.
(in Rs /-)
What does it cost in terms of LIFE and MONEY?
Total Life Span lost (in days): 
Total expenditure (in Rs.): 
Just think of all the productive days and money lost when you smoke! 

You lose 8 minutes of your life with every cigarette you smoke. These could be 8 minutes well spent with your family and friends, at work, studying, traveling, exercising, laughing or doing what you love the most. 

Avoid serious diseases of the heart and cancers and protect your family and friends from passive smoking. Breathe free and create a healthy environment by giving up the habit. When you add up expenses of all the cigarettes you have smoked, think of the money you could have saved or spent on something that you've always wanted. 

Quitting smoking lowers many health risks very quickly. 
It's not as hard as you think!
Try the 4 D's of quitting
  • Do something else
  • Delay smoking/tobacco consumption between cigarettes
  • Deep breathe
  • Drink water
As on 2nd October 2008, smoking is banned in public places all across India.

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